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As part of the series of Sunday morning Wellbeing talks, Judy Sharp gave a talk last Sunday on how hypnotherapy can be used to help those suffering from a phobia which is affecting their lives.

After a general introduction to hypnotherapy and to phobias – who knew there were so many? – Judy addressed specific issues from those in the audience, including a fear of cats and a fear of being a passenger in a car.  She gave examples from her own case files of phobias that had been successfully dealt with, and answered a number of questions.

The clear conclusion seems to be that hypnotherapy can indeed be highly effective at getting to the root cause of a phobia – wherever and whatever that may be – and resolving it, allowing the client to move forward with their life.

If you would like to know more, contact Judy direct on 01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512.

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Those who care for loved ones in their own homes are unsung heroes and heroines.
Be it a parent, a spouse or a child who needs care, the devotion and dedication shown by those who put their own lives on hold, give up careers, sometimes move house, to do the caring is beyond the call of duty. Only love and compassion motivates these people.

A couple of weeks ago now there was a day especially dedicated to these carers. The event was held at Haywards Heath Town Hall, organised by the local council, and a team from Vinings were on hand to provide some much needed TLC. Isobel, Carole and Caroline provided head and neck massage and foot massage to get rid of some of the stress and to calm the system. Robert Sanders, Vinings’ Therapist and Coach, and Judy Sharp, Vinings’ hypnotherapist, were also on hand to offer advice and a sympathetic, non-judgmental ear.

The feedback has been very positive indeed. Not surprisingly, the mini pamper treatments got a big thumbs-up and so it looks like we’ll be doing more of that at the next one! It is always good to help those who give their time and their lives to caring for others, so we look forward to giving a bit more pampering next time round.

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There are fears and then there are irrational fears – phobias.
When they interfere with your life, your relationships, your career – it’s time to sort them out!
Join Vinings’ resident hypnotherapist Judy Sharp for a talk on Sunday 21st June from 10am to 12 noon as she explores the real root causes of a wide range of fears and phobias. As she explains, this journey frequently takes her clients back to a past life trauma – once uncovered and resolved, the client is free to move on with his / her life.
It’s fascinating, it’s highly effective – and it could remove those blocks that have been holding you back in your career or your personal life.

The talk is totally free, so come along on Sunday 21st June at 10am – and why not bring a friend too?



  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF
