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Pregabalin buy from ukVinings Natural Health Centre is delighted to welcome experienced Naturopath and Kinesiologist Kirsty Lander to the team of therapists.

Kirsty is a fully-qualified Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist, Homeopath and Kinesologist, with more than 20 years’ experience of working in healthcare and education, both in the NHS and in private practice. She has recently returned to West Sussex from Sydney, Australia where, apart from her own private practice, she was a lecturer at the Australasian College on Natural Therapies.

Naturopathy may assist with a wide range of issues including digestive conditions; allergies; skin conditions; stress, anxiety and depression; mental and emotional blocks; and improving overall vitality.

You will find more information about Kirsty under her listing here on our website, or you can visit her website:   Pregabalin no prescription for more details.
To make an appointment with Kirsty, call 07809 547 922 or email her on  info@holistichealthwellbeing.com .

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On Tuesday 20th October, from 5.30pm to 8.30pm, we are holding an Open Evening at Vinings Natural Health Centre.

The theme of the evening is “Beat the Winter Blues” and we shall have a team of therapists on hand to advise you how to do just that!

Our new therapists, Naturopath and Kinesiologist Kirsty Lander and Nutritionist and Dietician Emma Barrington, will join NLP practitioner and coach Robert Sanders and Acupuncturist Julia Biggs to explain how you can set yourself up to sail through the cold, dreary days and long, dark nights that we know can really drag you down.

Drop in after work, enjoy a warming cup of a tasty, healthy tea and sample some equally tasty, healthy snacks too.

We look forward to seeing you!

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Every year Haywards Heath holds a Town Day in Victoria Park – and every year we hold our breath to see if the weather will be kind! This year it was overcast but it didn’t actually rain, and plenty of people came to take part in and enjoy all of the activities.

cheap PregabalinAs usual, the Vinings Team was on hand to wave the flag for Natural Health and to talk to those who had questions or were interested in learning more about one or the other of our natural therapies. 

It’s always a pleasure to be part of these local community events and to have the opportunity to meet people who want to know more about aspects of natural health and complementary therapies.


  • Vinings Natural Health Centre
    Clover Court, Church Road
    Haywards Heath
    West Sussex
    RH16 3UF